The ABC of Chiropractic Spinal Manipulation
Adjust For Success
Every Things You Need To Know About 3 Dimentional Decompression.
300 pages book included, 300 illustrations, 70 videos, Quiz, PP presentations.
This course is about chiropractic spinal manipulation of the cervical spine and emphasizes the practical aspect of the treatment. A new mechanical model using the Arc of Tension theory details what renders specific a Spinal manipulation.
This is the most complete approach to spinal manipulation of the thoracic spine and junctions . It consists in over 50 detailed videos, 200 illustrations, a 150 pages PDF textbook, multiple quizzes, PP presentations.
Learning the intricacies of lumbar-pelvic adjustment, and some of the many conditions that it treats.
This one hour course addresses the professional who wants to develop a strategy to improve his hands-on treatment at three levels: The technique set-up, applications and recording. The information is exceptional by its novelty and practicability.